

“I think overall for broadcast TV this is not decent improvement, we have been teetering around the same numbers for over a decade and things remain unequal and especially bleak for women of color,”

Dr. Nicole / Read Full Article



Septemer 2017

"older white men are still making the decisions." There is less toxic masculinity, but "the message to women is still that we are only as valuable as how much a man desires us,"

Dr. Nicole / Read Full Article



August 2017

"I am encouraged to see where specific networks are making changes and the ability to track how they are individually making advances so consumers can support networks truly dedicated to showing our lived experiences rather than a distorted version of reality.”

Dr. Nicole / Read Full Article



July 2017

"The goal is to get students thinking deeply about how the representation of women in the media impacts the world around us."

Dr. Nicole / Read Full Article